Portal de Lorca


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Lorca News - April 2012

detail of Lorca
  • IU-green: "The office of advice to affected late and no plan of action" (30/04/2012)

  • Limusa incorporates 73 new cardboard recycling bins to recover the lost by earthquakes (30/04/2012)

  • The Joint Commission approves more than 1.2 million euros of aid to alleviate the effects of earthquakes in Lorca (30/04/2012)
    1,129,184 Euros are EUR 105,967 for repair and reconstruction
  • The socialist councilor Marisol Sanchez claims that Eliosol Infant School remains at minimum services throughout the school year (30/04/2012)
    The Socialist deputy spokesman, Marisol Sanchez, has warned of a glut of parents to the double standard which treats this center as compared with others, are also dependent on CARM
  • Those affected by earthquakes can be purchased at 28 stores Lorca appliances Bosch, Siemens, Balay and Ufesa with a 20% discount (30/04/2012)

  • The PSOE again proposes measures to tackle unemployment (30/04/2012)
    The Socialist deputy spokesman, Marisol Sanchez, has realized that arrangements have been agreed in relation to the motion that, in this sense, introduced in the last plenary
  • IU-green: "The Joint Commission does not resolve enough requests for help" (30/04/2012)

  • A man is rushed to hospital after Rafael Mendez dump your car in the municipality of Lorca (29/04/2012)

  • The Youth Council of Lorca and its 32 partnerships managed and "The Office" after the rehabilitation of the damages suffered by earthquakes (27/04/2012)

  • IURM Crush-Greens denounced the government against NGOs, S (27/04/2012)

  • Manuel Soler is concerned "with the apparent neglect of Lorca in the State Budget" (27/04/2012)
    Socialist Spokesman Manuel Soler, described as ridiculous the just under 3 million entered in the PGE in Lorca Helps
  • The City Council achieved a saving of 346,000 in the new contract for the maintenance of parks and gardens (27/04/2012)
    expand the service and keeping all employees
  • Aid of the Bureau for Development approved by the Local Government reached EUR 2,543,050 EUR (27/04/2012)
    The Governing Board approved a package of € 30,360 in aid to 18 families affected by earthquakes lorquinas
  • The council organizes the third route of the "Bike and Nature", to be held this Sunday in the village of Palm Zarcilla (27/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca and the license granted for the reconstruction of 62 houses demolished by the earthquake and within days will the other 120 (27/04/2012)

  • Lorca promotes tourism in Turismur its own stand (27/04/2012)

  • The Association of Families Belarusian Solidarity with the People offers a conference tomorrow on Fukusima disaster and Belarus (27/04/2012)
    The Cultural Hall hosts CajaMurcia at 12:00 Tomonoti conference Watanabe and Svetlana Margolina
  • The PSOE Communities advises owners that require a guarantee to ensure the solvency of the company to award the reconstruction (26/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca and parents of children in early care arranged for 5 May 2 sporting events to benefit this group (26/04/2012)

  • Lorca hosting this Saturday XI School Board Meeting of the Region of Murcia, dealing with the media and education (26/04/2012)

  • 24 phrases Lorca supportive of school will be recorded in the sculpture "Consuelo" to be installed in the Plaza de Colón on the anniversary of 11-M (26/04/2012)
    Councillor for Education has awarded the prizes to students winners of "solidarity for Phrases Lorca ", which were presented 2,910 1,450 phrases for students of primary education colleges
  • Lorca Castle this weekend hosts a charity event (26/04/2012)
    with the participation of more than 3,000 historical and cultural events across the country
  • Makes his presentation on May 3 at the weekly market on Thursdays Lorca (26/04/2012)

  • González Tovar asks the PP, in addition to paying the outstanding aid, take stronger measures to revive economic activity in Lorca (26/04/2012)
    PSRM general secretary said yesterday, Royal Decree approving the aid Lorca in Congress , all parliamentary groups shared the view that the Government has failed to Valcárcel City
  • The Mayor of Lorca receives award given annually solidarity Mariano Baquero school (25/04/2012)

  • Nine students and five teachers from Poland and Italy are involved in a Comenius project in the Virgin de las Huertas College (25/04/2012)

  • The Palace of the Arts in Valencia this weekend hosting a charity concert with Lorca (25/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party denounced the neglect of the perimeter of the castle and surrounding Lorca (25/04/2012)
    The Socialist deputy spokesman, Marisol Sanchez, said different parts of the municipality where it reproduces the situation of neglect and apathy, giving an image inappropriate and unattractive no benefit to our city
  • After his rehabilitation following the damage caused by earthquakes (25/04/2012)
    Senior Residence Lorca Caser reopens after rehabilitation of the earthquake damage
  • The City of Lorca installed in the Alameda of the Constitution with new lampposts identical to those damaged by earthquakes in employment workshops conducted (25/04/2012)

  • The City Council approved the first aid Lorca for 44 uninsured businesses damaged by earthquakes (25/04/2012)

  • More than 1,400 stories have participated in the XXVII edition of Maria Fernandez-Luna Award of storytelling to students and Primary Education (25/04/2012)
    Colleges Saint Kitts and Pasico-Campillo and students Ezequiel Perez of San Francisco Coelgio, Mary Rodriguez of Narcissus Yepes and Jesus Castellar del Sol Town were the winners of first prizes
  • The PP says that the new measures to support Lorca "turn on reconstruction" (25/04/2012)
    Teodoro Garcia says that recognition of the Royal Decree that streamlines the payment of aid to those affected by the earthquake "is what they expected and Lorca Lorca what needs to get up after the catastrophe "
  • The City of Lorca invests € 203,000 in San Cristobal improve the school after the earthquake (24/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca enables the reconstruction of three buildings and several houses demolished by earthquakes (23/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party reaffirms the need for transparency in the activities of the Bureau for Development (20/04/2012)
    The head of the Executive Committee of the PSOE Lorca, Antonio Navarro, and Speaker of the Municipal Group Socialist Manuel Soler, have insisted on within 15 days to provide the requested information
  • The Governing Board approved a package of € 12,690 in aid from the Solidarity Committee for 11 families affected by earthquakes lorquinas (20/04/2012)

  • Programming for World Book Day will reach all corners of the municipality through various activities (20/04/2012)
    Six districts have libraries throughout the week storytelling for younger Lorca have the opportunity to share the importance of literature
  • The Socialist Party denounced the deliberate stoppage in the implementation of regulations lorca Citizen Participation (20/04/2012)
    The socialist councilor, Isabel Casalduero, has said that the Popular Party seeks to get information in a biased manner, preventing the participation of citizens in decision decision
  • Land Rover donates to the town of Lorca a vehicle to reinforce the reconstruction of the municipality (20/04/2012)
    The 4x4 vehicle will go to the supervision of reconstruction and rehabilitation in areas with difficult access
  • 2.6 million for the reservation and occupation of 100 residential places for older Lorca (20/04/2012)

  • 6.3 million to hire the work of the collector general sanitation lower stretch of the Rambla de Biznaga in Lorca (20/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party denounced the neglect in which lies the district of Alfonso X (20/04/2012)
    The socialist councilor, Andrea Periago, has requested that the City would not forget this neighborhood and its neighbors
  • The PSOE is perplexed at the turn playful activities marking the anniversary of the May 11 (20/04/2012)
    The socialist councilor, Isabel Casalduero, said not understand the programming of recreational activities and sports when Lorca has nothing to hold
  • The streets of Lorca again filled with performances this Sunday and next weekend for the celebration of International Dance Day (19/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party calls for an audit of the Bureau for Development (19/04/2012)

  • Tomorrow is the deadline for providers to submit Lorca City Council by their adherence to record collection plan (19/04/2012)
    The mayor warned that Treasury may only charge this way those who have submitted the document in accordance with no obligation to perform removes any
  • The PSOE question where the money was received to begin rehabilitation of the building of the Conservatory (19/04/2012)
    ​​ Councilwoman Lorca, Isabel Casalduero, stressed that the Autonomous Region is taking advantage of the generosity and patience of Lorca
  • New garbage collector for Uptown (19/04/2012)
    Collect 160 containers daily located on the narrowest streets of San Juan, Santa Maria, San Pedro, San Lazaro and Old Calvary in St. Kitts
  • The City of Lorca provides citizens with all the detailed information of the Bureau for Development and aid, which already has the PSOE (19/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party of Lorca feared that the copayment is installed in the dispensing of drugs for pensioners (18/04/2012)

  • IU-V: "The government punishes citizens again to set the conditions of financing for payments to suppliers" (18/04/2012)
    At the time, the IU-Green municipal group and set its position on the Decree 4/2012 of February 24 on payments to suppliers indicating that the City of Lorca would be suffocated by bank debt shrink
  • The City of Lorca rehabilitation Municipal Nursery School to be opened the next school year (18/04/2012)

  • UPTA Lorca boost in the presence of over 55 autonomous social networks with the assistance of the City (17/04/2012)

  • The nineteenth Sporting Events Women's Lorca begin Saturday afternoon with a march Popular Walking from the Boulevard of the Ladies (17/04/2012)

  • IU-Green claims that the elimination of some routes to school may endanger students (17/04/2012)
    They also demand the cessation of the environmental council for its inaction on the high pollution of the city
  • The marq assists in the recovery of the archaeological heritage of lorca (17/04/2012)

  • The Sports Department is organizing a seminar Pilates for Saturday May 19 (17/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca begins a campaign to remember the obligation to keep the animals on a leash and their owners identified and collected the droppings (16/04/2012)
    This is a public awareness initiative called "Your pet .... a citizen" in collaboration with Working Table Lorca Neighborhood
  • Limusa closed the year with € 700,000 profit, which will enhance their creditworthiness, their investments and reduce the municipal contribution (16/04/2012)
    Fleet Modernization has led to a reduction in spending on repairs 60%, achieving the fourth consecutive year that the public company spends less than its income
  • The Rock Equestrian "Al-Bino" Caravaca donates € 12,000 to the Mesa Partnership for those affected by earthquakes, from the sale of the bracelet dwelling "Lorca Let's help" (16/04/2012)

  • The Joint Commission approves more than 4.3 million euros aid for 525 earthquakes in Lorca (16/04/2012)
    2,347,761 Euros are for repair, 1,490,927 euros for rentals for relocation and reconstruction 453,169
  • The Socialist Municipal Group plan calls for the reconstruction and economic recovery is made within one month (15/04/2012)
    The Socialist spokesman, Manuel Soler, recalled that his group will file a motion to that effect, which also will be asked to provides for a sufficient endowment for the same and that it be implemented in three years
  • The Socialist parliamentary group submitted a motion asking the Regional Assembly begins its work to modernize irrigation Tercia (13/04/2012)

  • The PSOE once again claims the beginning of the reconstruction of two IES (13/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party claims to see more shadows than lights in the management of Earthquake (13/04/2012)
    The head of the Executive Committee on issues related to the Earthquakes, Antonio Navarro, clarifies that if the Management of Earthquake was transparent, there would be no reason for us to be concealed information
  • 30 young Lorca Association Rule pay homage to the Queen with a musical group on Thursday at 21 am at the fairgrounds in Santa Quiteria (13/04/2012)

  • Aid of the Bureau for Development adopted by the Governing Board reached 2.5 million euros (13/04/2012)
    The last two meetings of the Governing Board have approved 98 applications for assistance, amounting to 115,350 euros set
  • The City of Lorca extended to April 30 the deadline for grant applications for the rehabilitation of businesses that were not insured Lorca May 11 (13/04/2012)

  • Health Area III to organize a march Sunday along the coast 12 kilometers hooked to benefit the earthquake-affected Lorca (12/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca begins in the coming weeks four works in districts amounting to € 206,130 (12/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party looks back to that eleven months of the disaster of earthquakes (11/04/2012)
    lorquina Councilwoman and Deputy Secretary General of PSRM, Isabel Casalduero, Lorca has highlighted that many still expect solutions of the various administrations
  • The Socialist Party stresses the need to support disabled associations in the municipality of Lorca (11/04/2012)
    the Socialist councilor, Andrea Periago, denounced the successive cuts that have been disabled associations by the municipality of Lorca
  • The Mayor opened the 5 th Exhibition "Lorca Healthy" (11/04/2012)
    offers sports activities, health screenings, product tastings and talks Prevention
  • 1,000 schoolchildren will participate the next 17 to 18 April in the local phase of athletics in categories cadet and youth sports school age (11/04/2012)

  • This Friday is the deadline for grant applications for the rehabilitation of businesses that were not insured Lorca May 11 (11/04/2012)

  • Lorca offer free dramatized tours around the city of Juan II of Castile the next three Sundays (10/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party stands for the Mayor requests the Government of PP a decaffeinated Plan Lorca lowered to EUR 842.5 million (10/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca Library will reopen in June Pilar Barnes, once you complete the rehabilitation works after the earthquake (10/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca requires consistency for the PSOE and that "Lorca read the plan before saying nonsense" (10/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party of Lorca is concerned by the continuing rise in unemployment in the construction industry (09/04/2012)
    The Socialist deputy spokesman, Marisol Sanchez, recalls that his group's motion filed in February Full Council, which was never heard
  • The Plaza Calderon welcomed on Wednesday and Thursday the 5th Fair 'Lorca Healthy' (09/04/2012)

  • The Federation of Bands in the Region of Murcia 3,140 euros delivery to the Bureau for Development of Lorca (09/04/2012)

  • The City of Lorca recalls that it conducted a campaign calling on companies to hire Lorca municipality (09/04/2012)

  • The City reminds Manuel Soler has been Rajoy Government has approved the only run a specific investment plan Lorca (09/04/2012)

  • Culture recover historical documents appeared in the wall of the Castillo de Lorca (06/04/2012)
    There are a total of 303 documents dating mostly in the eighteenth century
  • A report on Lorca disclosed in 155 countries the consequences of earthquakes (05/04/2012)
    The Euronews issued in eleven different languages ​​and under 'Rebuilding sustainably Lorca'
  • A group of international journalists visiting these days of Holy Week in Lorca (04/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party believes that trying to make up the contents of RD 11/2012 does little to help those affected by earthquakes (04/04/2012)
    The head of the Executive Committee on issues related to the Earthquakes, Antonio Navarro, has called on those who govern us to stop waste time in making us believe how well they do and be more dedicated to solving problems
  • IU-Green denounces the institutional neglect of Lorca for elders and supports the claims of these (04/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party calls the new Royal Decree-Law of relief efforts as inadequate and restrictive (03/04/2012)
    The Socialist spokesman, Manuel Soler, has clarified that the Government of Spain has granted a loan to the CARM ICO to pay what you owe to earthquake victims
  • The City Council today begins the reclamation works of medieval section of wall between Tower Rojano and Porche de San Antonio, which will be disseminated through a new website (03/04/2012)
    www.muralladelorca.es It is an archaeological site and rehabilitation of heritage that has been developed by Arqueoweb
  • The Socialist Party councilor replica of Economy and Finance (03/04/2012)
    Responsible for Economic Affairs of the Socialist Municipal Group, Rafael Ruiz, has relied on the report by the General Comptroller of the City
  • The local police arrested three people in The Wire on suspicion of theft of cattle (03/04/2012)

  • The City Council recommends that if Manuel Soler does not understand the new Decree Law, find someone to explain (03/04/2012)

  • The Socialist Party denounces Lorca municipal accounts which do not correspond to reality (02/04/2012)

  • IU-Green highlights the role of social mobilization in the adoption of a new Royal Decree-Law to address the situation of Lorca (02/04/2012)
    Y Valcárcel says he lied when he said being with Lorca
  • ... (02/04/2012)

  • The City Council today opens the deadline for companies to benefit from the plan of payment to suppliers (02/04/2012)

  • The Department of Sports assists in the preparation of a study on the influence of active video games on youth sports Lorca (02/04/2012)

  • The Community advances in the comprehensive program of reconstruction of Lorca (01/04/2012)
    The Minister of Public Works and Planning held a meeting with a group of experts, coordinated by Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines MEP
  • The Socialist Party deplores the insults expressed by the Mayor to the new Secretary General of PSRM (01/04/2012)


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