Portal de Lorca


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Lorca News - June 2010

detail of Lorca
  • Jódar condemns the tourism and hospitality sectors of the town during the summer with the removal of Espirelia (30/06/2010)
    Outrage also because the regional government Valcárcel manifest their commitment to culture and festivals the rest of the region, while contributing to the death Espirelia
  • 100 children aged between 6 and 15 years participating in the Summer Swim Festival 2010 (30/06/2010)

  • The PP popping "a new scandal led by the current socialist leaders" (30/06/2010)
    PP PSOE lorquino required to immediately remove the "snack media" has been launched in Lorca
  • The PSOE describes as "worrying" that the PP investigate those publications can not control politically or economically (30/06/2010)

  • Users of the pool of the Sports City of La Torrecilla can be enjoyed from the next day 6 of service "Bibliopiscina" (30/06/2010)

  • Sabino Mendez Agustina Urban and get the first prize of the "Concurso de Patios and Balconies of Lorca" (30/06/2010)

  • The City Council allocated 200,000 euros Lorca to bury containers (30/06/2010)
    7 streets in the districts of Calvary, San Lazaro, San Pedro and San Cristóbal
  • Socialist resign SUVILOR (29/06/2010)
    Abellán Isidro and Gloria Martin and express their rejection of the company's annual accounts that "do not reflect the real situation of the company and thus contravene the accounting principles as the Corporations Law"
  • The route begins from the top "of spikes by Lorca" by which you can enjoy cover and drink for only 2 euros (29/06/2010)
    It is an initiative to assist the City Council and 25 establishments Hostelor
  • The Mayor receives an official delegation of Jerusalem (29/06/2010)
    Located in Lorca to see first hand the synagogue and the Jewish Quarter discovered in the castle
  • The City Council will improve the park, "Pediatrician Diego Pallares" (29/06/2010)
    With the installation of a sports ground for children, a large trampoline and recovery of the dugout to puppet
  • Lorca celebrates Outlet Fair 2010 with the participation of 34 stores (29/06/2010)
    The facilities offered at the Plaza Calderon de la Barca top brand products at discounted prices for five days
  • Lorca City Council honors the 48 students who have achieved honors during the year 2009-2010 (29/06/2010)

  • Lorca City Council is pressing ahead with the amendment of General Plan (28/06/2010)
    To build the Auditorium and Congress Palace in the Garden of The Wheel
  • Adopted, only the votes of the PP, lower the salary of the mayor and council Lorca (28/06/2010)
    Just as the reduction of staff allocation and political groups
  • The House calls on the Government of Spain has Lorca railway station and underground train passing through the city (28/06/2010)
    on time before the cuts
  • The local residents of Alfonso X will have a new Civic Center next November with an investment of 300,000 euros (25/06/2010)

  • They call for the urgent hearing of the Minister of Universities and the Mayor to clarify doubts about the viability of the campus of Lorca (25/06/2010)
    himself president of the University of Murcia has said he does not know how they will pay the degrees and studies Nursing and Nutrition and Dietetics are unresolved
  • Lorca hosts a university course that will address the various alternatives for the reuse and processing manure (25/06/2010)

  • The Youth Institute has signed an agreement with the Association of Friends of the Explorers of Lorca (25/06/2010)

  • Lorca Mayor welcomes students from schools Lorca winners of the "Put Brake Junior" of the Fundación Antena 3 (25/06/2010)

  • Lorca Mayor confirms the launch of the University Campus and the beginning of their classes for next year (25/06/2010)

  • The City of Lorca and Nuria Periago Dance Academy awarded a fellowship for a year (24/06/2010)
    for dance studies a student from Santa Maria with special artistic gifts
  • The PSOE will defend in Parliament a battery of claims of the residents of Almendricos (24/06/2010)

  • 23 students of the institute, "Principe de Asturias" give the money from the Cancer Association (24/06/2010)
    Participate in a simulation program of cooperatives
  • The councilman of Culture awards the prizes "Caligramas VII School Contest" (24/06/2010)
    have involved nearly a thousand elementary and high school students
  • Soler claims that the 13 million forecast for consolidation in Lorca are only 150,000 euros for 2010 (23/06/2010)
    The MP said the "drastic reduction" applies to investments Purias collectors, El Campillo, Coy and Dona Ines
  • Ferra "solely responsible for the disaster of the slaughterhouse is Jódar" (23/06/2010)
    Socialist Party general secretary says the mayor "is not up to" and "says very little about him that does not assume its responsibilities" and above "question of throwing the dead of mismanagement local entrepreneurs "
  • The Socialist Party calls on the council of Education to mediate in the conflict in the school community Villaespesa (23/06/2010)

  • The Mayor takes plenary only two of the 40 measures of its cropping plan, according to the PSOE (23/06/2010)

  • The construction of sanitation collectors for the districts of Coy Lorca, Doña Inés, Campillo and has already been tendered Purias (23/06/2010)
    has an investment of 13 million euros
  • 50 Lorca on pilgrimage by bicycle, from 30 July to 13 August, the 1,200 miles between Santiago de Compostela Lorca (23/06/2010)
    Francisco Montiel, this morning the sixth edition of the Route promoted by the Association Argar Lorca -Santiago and consists of 14 stages
  • 75 students of Initial Vocational Training Program of the City begin their practices in municipal services (23/06/2010)
    And in 50 companies in the city
  • The Chamber of Commerce has organized a Day Lorca Country Report Morocco: Tangier Free Zone (23/06/2010)

  • University education in the Campus of Lorca begin with the offer of 60 seats in Nutrition and Dietetics and 70 in nursing (23/06/2010)
    The academic offer is completed with the Master of Social Economy and construction of educational facilities will be completed for the start of academic
  • The PSOE warns that by 2012 the City would not be available to farmers the land for the slaughterhouse (22/06/2010)
    Diego Ferra lamented that "that is falling" 400 people are missing the opportunity to work in complex meat
  • The snip of solar energy Zapatero against jeopardizing investments worth 179 million euros made in 58 facilities (22/06/2010)

  • The initial approval of the Partial Plan and Action Plan allows the Council more than 12,000 m2 green areas in Los Jopos (22/06/2010)

  • 25 Lorca catering establishments participating in the Ruta de la Tapa "spiked by Lorca" (22/06/2010)
    Coinciding with the National Olympiad Leisure
  • Reply to criticism of the PSOE on the supra matedero Lorca (22/06/2010)

  • The PSOE accused of choking Jódar Lorca Rock "to death" to launch a copy of "ridiculous and controlled by the PP" (21/06/2010)

  • Heavy bands from Spain, Germany, Italy and the UK will attend the festival "Metal Lorca" (21/06/2010)
    will be held in our city on 30 and 31 July
  • Cultural Center of the city today and tomorrow host the third edition of the show "Healthy Lorca" (21/06/2010)
    offers free medical testing and prevention information to citizens
  • The "Cultural Days of Solidarity" include holding a rake charity, concerts and puppet shows for kids (21/06/2010)

  • The PSOE asked whether "the snip in Valcárcel investments affect the central round" (18/06/2010)
    General Secretary of PSOE in Lorca, Diego Ferra has demanded that the PP mayor, Francisco Jodar, who "consents" no cuts to the works planned public in the city
  • La Fortaleza del Sol will host summer schools for children aged 4 to 12, with 13 fun and educational workshops from 24 June to 31 August (18/06/2010)

  • The City Council begins Monday Lorca installation of 489 new traffic signs upright in the urban and rural districts (18/06/2010)
    To improve road safety
  • Traffic Court of the Plaza of Spain Selgas and Corregidor Calle 21 to June 25 for refurbishment works (18/06/2010)

  • More than 370,000 euros for the restoration of the former Abbey of St. Patrick's Lorca (18/06/2010)

  • The City claims the Ministry of Development to officially inform the plans for the reopening of railway lines in Almeria and Granada (18/06/2010)

  • Lali Ibarra, "was the" snip "Zapatero which eliminated the investment in the auditorium ". (18/06/2010)
    " The money is guaranteed rounds"
  • The Local Government Board adopts new measures for employment that will benefit directly and 35 Lorca (18/06/2010)

  • Lorca will in early 2011 with a new Center for Child Care in Cazalla (17/06/2010)
    director general of Family and Child visits the site, which will be completed this summer
  • The construction of the Child Care Center Cazalla reach their Ecuador (17/06/2010)
    It represents an investment of 556,000 euros and will offer 61 beds for children
  • The Universidad Internacional del Mar offers summer courses in archeology Lorca, taxation and early treatment (17/06/2010)

  • Lorca host regional forum on rural tourism, an area that has already passed the five hundred seats (17/06/2010)

  • The PSOE requires the maintenance of IMJUDE (16/06/2010)

  • The Mayor noted that the delivery of quality labels SICTED to 23 professionals and facilities Lorca is a "boost" to tourism project in the city (16/06/2010)
    Among the winners are embroidered museums Steps Blue and White
  • All set for the opening of public swimming pools that will begin next Saturday (16/06/2010)
    has a device that includes 22 people
  • "Night of spells and incantations in the Fortress of the Sun" (16/06/2010)
    Celebrating the Night of San Juan in the castle of Lorca has already become a tradition of late night summer Lorca Taller del Tiempo
  • Mayor Sergio Lorca Lorca Mantecón congratulated on his victory in the Tour de France Mountain Bike 2010 (16/06/2010)

  • Jódar fires Patricio Francisco Javier Garcés as Consul of Ecuador in the Region (16/06/2010)
    The Ecuadorian government has appointed Marjorie Ulloa new consul of Ecuador in Murcia after the end of the mandate his predecessor
  • CajaMmediterráneo teaches over 500 students of Lorca the sources and uses of energy in the mall of the Constitution (15/06/2010)
    The Plaza of Energy is an educational initiative in collaboration with the municipality of Lorca, which aims to raise awareness among children Through games of the importance of saving and energy efficiency
  • The PSOE proposes the creation of 300 rental units at a price of 150 euros (15/06/2010)
    Leoncio Collado socialist councilor today proposed the application of a new model Lorca has already been implemented on an experimental basis in some cities of the Basque Country and Leon
  • The PSOE laments the "null" PP support the construction sector in Lorca (15/06/2010)
    Leoncio Collado socialist councilor said that the government team of Francisco Jodar has sentenced to death on Levante Real Estate Exhibition
  • The City of Lorca and UCOMUR organized for the July 1 reporting a conference on employment and self (15/06/2010)

  • The study room of the Centro Cultural de Lorca expanded its schedule from today until July 8 (15/06/2010)
    Monday to Friday until 12 pm and weekends open
  • The mayor appreciates the support of the Plenary of the Chamber of Commerce to the austerity measures proposed by the City (15/06/2010)

  • On Sunday 27, mountain bike route with the classic ascent to PRADICAN (15/06/2010)

  • Lorca host the National Youth Conference, Leisure and ICT (14/06/2010)
    Veronica Lopez presents the formation meeting to be held on 1 and 2 July and coincides with the National Olympiad Leisure
  • The PSOE Jódar requires that meets your word that roads are fixed and Altobordo Almenara (14/06/2010)

  • The City requires the Ministry for Rural Affairs to clarify whether the "snip" Zapatero deleted modernization works Tercia (14/06/2010)

  • The Department of Sports organized for Sunday June 27 People's Race "Fiestas de San Juan" in the neighborhood of La Viña (14/06/2010)

  • Excellent results of Lorca representatives in the Regional final of Beach Volleyball School Sport (14/06/2010)

  • More than 500 people participate in the six routes of the "Lorca Foot 2010" in the Department of Sports and Club La Carrasca (14/06/2010)

  • The Mantecón Sergio Lorca, Tour de France Champion BBT 2010 (14/06/2010)
    The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, held an official reception to the rider to transfer the congratulations of Lorca
  • Public Works calls for tenders for improvement in the environment of the Rambla del Muerto de Lorca (12/06/2010)
    The project has a budget of 600,000 euros is about design in a stretch of road that connects with Zarzadilla de Totana
  • More than fifteen million of public investment belonging to Lorca are giving work to people outside the city (11/06/2010)
    From the PSOE regret that Jódar and his team have won more than forty works, services and supplies to companies outside of the Town Sol
  • 100% of municipal works of negotiated procedure without advertising is for businesses Lorca (11/06/2010)
    And 90% of all projects, too
  • 14 teams participating in the III football championship 12 hours 7 "Diputación de La Hoya", organized by the Youth Association of the hamlet and the Department of Sports (11/06/2010)

  • El Huerto Ruano on Monday will host a photo exhibition of French Jean Dieuzaide (11/06/2010)

  • Closure and parking restrictions from 16:00 am on Sunday the procession of Corpus del Barrio de San Cristóbal (11/06/2010)

  • 280 schoolchildren between 5 and 12 years of Lorca Uptown Classroom Program closed down (11/06/2010)
    with a flamenco shows and theater in the War Theater
  • Awarded definitely works to consolidate the side of the castle (11/06/2010)
    is expected to be completed during the month of September
  • The City Council allocated € 95,000 for the "Municipal Bond Book" for students in sixth grade of primary education (11/06/2010)

  • The Governing Board approved the creation of a Commission of Control and Management of Expenditure " (11/06/2010)
    Review every week all expenses of the City
  • Uneasiness among young students by insufficient opening hours study rooms (10/06/2010)
    At the plenary session of April, the PSOE was requested that these facilities remain open, at least until midnight and also during the late week, as in other cities nearby
  • 190 families benefit from the program "Wild" (10/06/2010)
    The City of Lorca which delivers food to families at risk of social exclusion through Caritas and Red Cross
  • Half a hundred women in Lorca's neighborhoods and districts are formed with the Office of Women in new technologies thanks to a regional mobile classroom (10/06/2010)

  • More than 4,000 visitors enjoyed the "Medieval Market" in La Fortaleza del Sol (10/06/2010)

  • The delivery Lorca Hall of the church of La Hoya 50 banks and four couches (08/06/2010)
    Made by the Department Carpentry Workshop Employment
  • So far, 70 workers of the Municipality of Lorca join the public sector strike against cuts in Central Government (08/06/2010)

  • The Commonwealth of Taibilla Channel invest 600,000 euros in new pipelines (08/06/2010)
    For service to the city located on the right bank of the river
  • The PSOE proposes a plan for revitalization and promotion of farmers' markets (08/06/2010)

  • UPyD in Lorca is outraged by the catastrophic economic situation in our City. (08/06/2010)
    Considers necessary a change of course in municipal policy and realistic planning in response to the situation through.
  • The urban center of the city becomes a giant Olympic site with the holding of the National Olympiad Leisure " (08/06/2010)

  • The Castle of Lorca held today and tomorrow an authentic medieval market (08/06/2010)
    more than 40 artisans, ponies and theater for children and a tavern with grilled meat
  • The PSOE censorship announcement Councilman Ibarra of not paying the extra to local officials in June (07/06/2010)

  • The XIV Lorca Film Spring will have three stages: the War Theater, Plaza Ramón Calderón and IES Arcas (07/06/2010)
    will be held from 14 to 19 June
  • Begin improvement works Social Centre de la Virgen de las Huertas (07/06/2010)
    count with an investment of 70,000 euros and an execution period of 3 months
  • The Film Spring Lorca XIV pay tribute to the actress Mercedes Sampietro (07/06/2010)
    The event, to be held from 14 to 19 June, will have three stages: the War Theater, Plaza Ramón Calderón and IES Arcas
  • 3,200 people have attended today's popular food with José María Aznar in Lorca (05/06/2010)

  • Lorca City Council grants the Autonomous Community of 2,710 m2 land near the campus (04/06/2010)
    For the construction of a new building for the Official School of Languages
  • Prohibition of parking and traffic courts in the center on Sunday 6, from 16:00 hours, the procession of Corpus Christi (04/06/2010)

  • Telemedicine applied to patients with pacemakers and implantable defibrillators (04/06/2010)
    (The technology for security)
  • Established minimum municipal services face to the public servants strike next June 8 (04/06/2010)

  • They claim that "municipal cleaning equipment conditioned Santa Quiteria for an event to match PP" (04/06/2010)

  • Francisco Jódar Touch the traditional presence of Mistriles from the balcony of City Hall (04/06/2010)
    This traditional event is held from the late eighteenth century on the eve of Corpus, at 12 noon
  • Lorca City Council has allocated public funds for holding the event on Saturday, People's Party (04/06/2010)

  • The Local Government Committee approved a new impetus to the improvement of the historic sites Uptown (04/06/2010)
    This time for the recovery of the church of San Juan
  • The range of sports activities during the summer for children includes several activities (04/06/2010)
    side football, handball, outdoor activities, swimming, volleyball, basketball, tennis and badminton
  • The Fortress of the Sun Marks World Environment day with a workshop of nature. (03/06/2010)

  • The PSOE proposes a package of measures to combat climate change and protect natural resources from the municipality (03/06/2010)
    The Socialist councilor Paquita Lopez also requested that the City streets to stop flushing and watering gardens with drinking water and water use Recycled
  • Less than a year of local elections the PP only met 6 of the 32 measures promised Environment (03/06/2010)
    The Socialist councilor Paquita Lopez, Melchor Morales accused the mayor of being "enjugascado" on minor issues while having management "turned upside down"
  • Point of Care for Children in the hamlet of La Paca lorquina will serve 41 children three years and create ten jobs (03/06/2010)
    Bascuñana Councilor Joaquin laid the first stone of this new infrastructure
  • The works of the Regional Security Centers and Ramonete Purias will be completed during this summer (03/06/2010)

  • The Mayor of Lorca and Social Policy Adviser lay the foundation stone of Point of Care for Children in La Paca (03/06/2010)
    The new infrastructure will have capacity to accommodate 41 children aged between 4 months and three years of the Highlands Pedanías Lorca , and involves an investment of 300,000 euros
  • The IES Francisco Giner Ros hosting a new international exchange experience in educational training, this time with student teachers in Gothenburg (02/06/2010)
    This is a Swedish group of 5 students who will share experiences with teachers of the school and attend classes organizational meetings, and internal coordination as well as the graduation of students of 2 º Bachillerato
  • 80 youth participate in a new cultural program of the City of Lorca (02/06/2010)
    To promote the education, participation, social behavior and living
  • Disinfection Center Lorca vehicles will be "a new prevention tool" in the service of farmers (02/06/2010)
    In the Region of Murcia there are 40 centers disinfection of vehicles used to transport livestock by road
  • Students of the School of Music offered an audition tomorrow Guevara Palace at 20:30 pm (02/06/2010)

  • Cerdá and inaugurated on Highway Jódar Eagles host venue of the Association of Bovine Health Protection Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras (02/06/2010)

  • Lorca will this month with a new Center for Livestock Vehicle Disinfection (02/06/2010)

  • Lorca's Popular Party members and supporters invited to dinner with José María Aznar on Saturday, June 5 (02/06/2010)
    will be held at the fairgrounds in Santa Quiteria, the culmination of the thirtieth anniversary of New Generations of the Region of Murcia
  • The City Council and Lorca Swimming Club Swimming Festival organized a June 29 evening at the Sports Complex Europe (02/06/2010)
    Councillor for Sports, Francisco Montiel, has reported that the competition of children will be in style free in 25 or 50 meters.
  • The City Council and the Association Lorca-Lorca Santiago schedule a night route 45 km mountain bike (02/06/2010)
    to get to the Shelter House Churches
  • The Talk "" The Escalade as a way of traveling "close the cultural activities of the" Lorca Foot 2010 " (02/06/2010)
    On Friday in the IES Ramón Arcas
  • Citizens of Lorca thanked the government team that took into account its proposed austerity (01/06/2010)

  • Inauguration of the new clubhouse of Puri, which will serve nearly 2,300 residents (01/06/2010)
    has received an investment of 193,000 euros
  • The Trek-Lorca Taller del Tiempo ends in Cantabria and continuing leader of Spain's Open (01/06/2010)

  • The Socialist Party calls "cacique" and "blow to democracy" cutting measures Jódar (01/06/2010)

  • Lorca City Council begins work on Calvary screening Viejo (01/06/2010)
    will last two months and involve an investment of 217.270 €
  • Tovar and Francisco González Jódar inaugurate the Community Center remodeling Purias (01/06/2010)
    Lorca González Tovar noted that in two years received a total investment of 25.7 million euros from State Funds
  • Antonio Ibarra, "the opposition has to be a good fit to cut its allocation, staff and Councillors be rid released, despite being required by the crisis" (01/06/2010)

  • The Institute for Spanish Tourism Calida Amalthea distinguish Hotel Lorca (01/06/2010)


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